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while the free people, Black and Coloured, on every side of them, are increasing. Can any man believe, that the tales of the happiness of our slaves, under such appalling circumstances, are not as absurd a fable as our lady's or gentleman's self-complacent report of the purity of human nature; since these assertions, in the former as in the latter case, are opposed to all sound general principles, and to all duly ascertained fact and experience? When was it ever known, since the world began, that the human race, in a congenial climate, with abundant means of subsistence, and not oppressed with excessive labour, has failed to increase?

Again; no one who acknowledges the fallen state of men by nature, and their proneness, when unrenewed by Divine grace, to the indulgence of their worst passions, will deny that to entrust such with arbitrary power is to insure their abuse of it. Now, that in our slave colonies the planters are invested with arbitrary power over their slaves, will hardly be denied. Even by the latest improvement of the slave code of Jamaica, passed at the close of the last year, every owner or manager of slaves in that island may still inflict, on the bared bodies of every man, woman, or child under his charge, thirty-nine lashes of the cart-whip, without be ing required by the law to assign a single reason for the infliction: and should he exceed that limit to almost any extent, short of actual murder, what chance can there be of effectually restraining or punishing the act, while the state of the law of evidence secures his impunity? We do not assert that this power is always in action, but it may be always in action. There is no check on individual discretion.-Now what is the general character of the men to whom this enormous power, this tremendous discretion, is committed? Are they men who, it might be hoped, would feel the constraining influence of those Christian principles, by which alone (there being

no law thus far to restrain them) the evil tendencies of human nature can be effectually counteracted? So far is this from being the case, that, even if we derive our estimate of their character from West-India testimony alone, we shall be forced to admit that they have not the slighest claim to our confidence, no, not even to our charitable hope, on any such ground. Bryan Edwards, Pinckard, Williamson, Collins, Stewart, Bickell, De la Beche, Cooper, all concur with one voice in representing them as open contemners of the Sabbath, as regardless of the ordinances of religious worship, and as living in the open, avowed, and unrestrained indulgence of the lowest sensual appetites. They might have added, that even their ordinary conversation breathes profaneness and pollution.

And yet it is of such men that persons professing the faith, and receiving as true the doctrines of the Gospel, can believe it possible, that in their awful relations with the miserable slaves who are subjected to their authority, (most of them too being the mere hirelings of absentees, and having no interest that can be alleged in the happiness of the slave), they are meek, humane, forbearing, and compassionate. If this were possible, it might then be true also that all we have been taught of the corruption of human nature, of the power of temptation, and of the necessity of Christian principles to restrain the bad passions of men, is no better than a cunningly devised fable.

We could greatly enlarge on this view of the subject; but we forbear for the present, intending shortly to resume the consideration of it. In the mean time, we would leave what we have ventured to urge to the candid meditation of those who have called it forth, with an earnest entreaty that they may not be prevented by the apparent harshness of the remonstance, from giving it its due weight; and with an earnest prayer that they may be enabled to think and to act upon it, as they

shall wish they had done when they come to stand before HIM, who will honour and reward the kindly feel ings exercised, for HIS sake, to the meanest and most abject of his creatures, as if they had been exercised towards HIMSELF.

If any, on reading these pages shall wish to satisfy themselves more fully on this whole subject, we beg them to turn to our various articles on slavery, which they will find recorded in our different volumes from the commencement of our labours, and especially to the following recent insertions; namely, vol. for 1824, p. 290, p. 352, and p. 620; vol. for 1825, p. 373; and vol. for 1826, pp. 1, 105, 405, and 677.

We would beg also again to recommend to them, though they are works of fiction, two 12mo publications

which have recently appeared; namely, "Outalissi, published by Hatchard, and "The System," published by Westley, as well as a little tract, entitled "An Evening at Home," proceeding from the Birmingham press. Though these are works of fiction, they nevertheless exhibit a tolerably correct view of the inveterate, and we may say inherent, evils of slavery, the first by a gentleman of piety and intelligence, now holding a high official situation, which has given him an opportunity of seeing with his own eyes the abominations he has denounced; and the other two the productions of ladies, who, though they may not have seen, have yet justly appre ciated the real nature, and the hideous effects, of those abominations.


&c. &c.

GREAT BRITAIN. PREPARING for publication:-A new quarterly publication, price 7s. 6d. to be entitled, Museum Theologicum, or General Collection of Theological Literature; containing a Series of critical, dogmatical, and exegetical Treatises on Divinity;-The First Number of a monthly Periodical, under the title of the Protestant Guardian;-Memoirs and Remains of Mr. Urquhart, of the University of St. Andrews; by the Rev. W. Orme;-The Theological Encyclopædia, embracing every topic connected with Biblical Criticism and Theology.

In the press-Part I., a Natural History of the Bible; or, a descriptive Account of the Zoology, Botany, and Mineralogy of the Holy Scriptures; by W. Carpenter;-A Treatise on Writing and Speaking the Latin Language; by the Rev. G. Puttman;-True Charity; a Tale of the Year 1800, to be embellished with a highly finished copper-plate engraving ;— The Sea-side; a series of short Essays and Poems, suggested by a temporary residence at a watering place; by the Rev. John East;-Sermons, chiefly practical; by the Rev. Edward Bather.

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The Rev. Archdeacon Bonner has placed a simple monument over the poet Bloomfield's grave, in Campton churchyard, Bedfordshire, with the following inscription:

"Here lie the remains of Robert Bloomfield: he was born at Honnington, in Suffolk, December 3d, 1761, and died at Shefford, Aug. 19, 1823, "Let his wild native wood-notes tell the rest."

St. David's College was opened on the first of March; but in consequence of the absence of the bishop, the solemnities are postponed till the summer. Forty students sat down to dinner in the college hall, after having been examined by the Principal and Professor.

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At the celebration of St. David's Day at Brecon, the Rev. T. Price stated, that two or three years ago he had the honour of setting on foot a collection, for the purpose of translating the Scriptures into the Armorican language. At that time there were many who doubted the practicability of the object and asked where a translator

could be found? But while such persons were doubting and hesitating, the work was commenced and actually accomplished; and in the course of the last month the translation of the New Testament was concluded in the language of Armorica, and was in progress through the press.

The museum of the Zoological Society of London is now open to the inspection of the members and their friends. The society's establishment in the Regent's Park is also in considerable forwardness. The gardens, laid out in promenades and shrubberies, with aviaries, and enclosures for various animals, and ponds for fish and wild fowl, are expected to be opened in the ensuing summer.

A young woman aged nineteen was lately committed to Southwell House of Correction, for three months, for taking a nest of partridge eggs, which she alleged she met with while weeding, "not knowing what sort of eggs they were." After one month's confinement, the young woman has found friends, and has been liberated on paying 12s. costs, for fees: but can any person read of such a commitment, and not acknowledge that it is quite time to reform our present absurd and tyrannical system of game laws?

Our readers will remember the affecting narrative of the loss by fire of the Kent East Indiaman, and the support and consolation which true religion afforded to some of the sufferers on that melancholy occasion, as exhibited in Major M'Gregor's deeply interesting and Christian recital. This statement is affectingly corroborated by the following circumstance :-"Abottle," says a Barbadoes Journal, "was picked up on the 30th September, at a bathing place to windward of this island, by a gentleman, who, on breaking it, found the following account of the fate of the ship Kent, contained in a folded paper, written with pencil, scarcily legible: The ship Kent, Indiaman, is on fire; Elizabeth, Joanna, and myself, commit our spirits into the hands of our blessed Redeemer: his grace enables us to be quite composed on the awful prospect of entering into eternity. J. W. R. McGregor (in a cypher). 15th March, 1825. Bay of Biscay.' On the back is endorsed, John M'Gregor, Esq. Coml. Bank, Edinburgh.'"

A society has been formed for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, chiefly of a scientific kind, by the periodical publication of Treatises, under the direction of a committee. As numerous societies already exist for the dissemination of Religious Instruction, no treatise will contain any CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 304.

matter of controversial divinity, or interfere with the principles of religion.

A work, just published in two volumes, entitled Scriptural Geology, or Geological Phenomena consistent only with the literal Interpretation of the sacred Scriptures, upon the subjects of the Creation and Deluge, in answer to Cuvier's Essay on the Theory of the Earth, and Professor Buckland's Theory of the Caves,-undertakes to demonstrate, both upon scriptural and physical principles, that there is not

a fossil bone or a fossil shell in existence that can be proved to be more ancient than the Noahic Deluge.


It is in contemplation to form a school, attached to the Serampore College, for the deaf and dumb. The children of natives will be instructed gratuitously, if their friends wish it, and taught to read, write, and understand language, either English or Bengalee.


At a meeting of gentlemen of Colombo, it was resolved to erect a mural tablet to the memory of Bishop Heber. At another meeting of the subscribers for the support and education of Cingalese youths at Bishop's College, Calcutta, it was resolved, that the "Colombo Exhibition' shall henceforth be called "Bishop Heber's Exhibition."


In the account, lately published, of the voyage of Captain Lord Byron, to the Sandwich Islands; after a statement that the greater part of the people have already professed, or will soon profess, the Christian religion, the following incident is recorded:-" Kapiolani, a female chief, of the highest rank, had recently embraced Christianity; and, desirous of propagating it, and of undeceiving the natives as to their false gods, she resolved to climb the mountain (a volcanic mountain, with a burning crater of prodigious extent), descend into the crater, and by thus braving the volcanic deities in their very homes, (the prevailing belief was, that the gods of the islands resided in these fires,) convinee the inhabitants of the islands that God is God alone, and that the false subordinate deities existed only in the fancies of their weak adorers. Thus determined, and accompanied by a missionary, she, with part of her family and a number of followers, ascended Peli (the mountain): at the edge of the first precipice that bounds the sunken plain, many of her followers and companions lost courage, and turned back; at the second the rest 2 K

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earnestly entreated her to desist from her dangerous enterprise, and forbear to tempt the powerful gods of the fires. But she proceeded, and on the very verge of the crater caused the hut we were now sheltered in to be constructed for herself and people. Here she was assailed anew by their entreaties to return home, and their assurances, that if she persisted in violating the houses of the goddess, she would draw down on herself and those, with her, certain destruction! I will descend into the crater,' said she, and if. I do not return safe, then continue to worship Peli; but if I come back unhurt, you must learn to adore the God who created Peli.' She accordingly went down the steep and difficult side of the crater, accompanied by a missionary, and by some whom love or duty induced to follow her. Arrived at the bottom, she pushed a stick into the liquid lava, and stirred the ashes of the burning lake. The

charm of superstition was at that moment broken. Those who had expected to see the goddess armed, with flame and sulphureous smoke, burst forth and destroy the daring heroine, who thus braved ber in her very sanctuary, were awe-struck when they saw the fire remain innocuous, and the flames roll harmless, as thought none were present. They acknowledged the greatness of the God of Kapiolani; and from that time few indeed have been the offerings, and little the reverence, offered to the fires of Peli."


Two gentlemen are about to set out from Sydney, on a scientific expedition, to measure one or more degrees of the meridian in the latitude of Liverpool Plains, There have not been as yet made public any observations of this nature, in a higher southern latitude than from 88 degrees.



Sermons preached at Christ Church, Bath, before the National Schools. By the Rev. F. Kilvert. 5s. 6d.

Thoughts on Propagating Christianity more effectually among the Heathen. By the Rev. J. Marshman, of Serampore.

The Glory of the Church in its Extension to Heathen Lands; a Sermon preached at Madras, for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. By the Rev. T. Robinson.

A Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, at Bow Church. By the Bishop of Chester.

The Apocalypse of St. John, or: Prophecy of the Church of Rome, the Inquisition, the great Revolution, the Univer sal War, and the final Triumph of Christianity, being a new Interpretation. By the Rev. G. Croly. 12s.

The Duty of Public Worship, and setting apart proper Places for it; a Sermon preached at the Consecration of St. Paul's, Shipley. By the Rev. H. Heap.

A Sermon on the Death of Mr. Win mill, twenty-four years. Clerk of St. Swithin's. By the Rev. H. Watkins. Thoughts on Public Worship. By J. Morrison. 4s. 6d.

A Memoir of Miss Bell, with specimens of her composition. By the Rev. J. Grant. 3s. 6d.

Practical Sermons. By the Rev. T. Howard.

A Vindication of the Sentiments contained in a “ Letter to a Clergyman," in answer to the Rev. Mr. Whish. By R. B. Cooper, Esq. M. P.

Sermons. By the Rev. J. E. Jones. I vol.

Sixteen Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical, elucidating the Study of Prophecy. By the Rev. J. N. Coleman. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Three Sermons preached before the Judges at the Assizes of Surrey. By the Rev. H. M'Neile.

An Endeavour to recommend Primitive Christianity. By a Priest of the Catholic Church of England, The Christian's Obligation to obey the Civil Magistrate, a Sermon. By a Presbyter of the Church of England.

The Impossibility of Righteousness by the Law, a Sermon before the University of Oxford. By the Rev. R. Dillon.

A Charge to the Clergy of Calcutta. By the late Bishop Heber.

The Sacred Preceptor, or Questions and Answers, illustrative of Scripture. 2s. 6d.

Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ, from the German of Rambach, abridged by the Rev. S. Benson. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Authenticity and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures considered, in opposition to the erroneous opinions circulated on the subject. By R. Haldane.

The Duty of Bearing one another's Burdens; a Sermon on behalf of the Distressed Manufacturers. By the Rev. W. Mandell, (the profits to be devoted to the Fund for their Relief.)

The Obligations of Professed Christians to a decidedly Religious Conduct; a Ser mon before the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London. By the Rev. H. G. Watkins.

Strictures on Mr. Frere's Pamphlet on the Apocalypse. By W. Cuninghame. The Moral and Spiritual Claims of the

Metropolis; a Sermon. By the Rev. J. Blackburn.


The Colony of Sierra Leone vindicated from the Misrepresentions of Mr. Macqueen. By Kenneth Macaulay, Member of Council at Sierra Leone,

The Course of Time; a Poem by R. (Pollok. 2 vols.

The Principles of Physical, Intellectual, Moral, and Religious Education. By W. Newnham, Esq., author of a "Tribute of Sympathy." 2 vols. 11. 8s.

England and Venice compared. By J. Kennedy.

A Treatise on Calisthenic Exercises, for the Private Tuition of Ladies. By Signior Varino. 8vo. 6s.

Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. By T. Young, M.D. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

The Poetical Works of L. E. L. 3 vols. foolscap 8vo. 1. 11s. 6d.

The Poetry of Milton's Prose; selected from his various Writings, with Notes and an Introductory Essay. 12mo. 5s. 6d.

Correspondence between Pope Pius VII. and the late King of Naples; with an Appendix of Documents. 8vo.

The Widow's Tale, and other Poems. By Bernard Barton. 12mo. 5s. 6d.

The Jew, the Master-Key of the Apocalypse; in Answer to Mr. Frere, the Rev. Edward Irving, and other Commentators. By J. A Brown, author of "The EvenTide." 58.

Authentic Details of the Valdenses, in Piemont and other Countries; with abridged Translations of "L'Histoire des Vaudois," par Bresse, and La Rentrée Glorieuse, d'Henri Arnaud, with the ancient Valdensian Catechism. To which is subjoined original Letters, written during a Residence among the Vaudois of Piemont and Wirtemberg, in 1825.1 vol. 8vo. 12s.




WE mentioned in our Number for February, that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel had requested the Bishop of Chester to permit the immediate publication of his excellent sermon, preached be'fore the Society, in consequence of its "containing observations which have a direct reference to the present state of the church in India, during the vacancy of the see of Calcutta." This discourse has been accordingly published, and we may have occasion again to advert to it in a future Number; our limits, in the present, allowing only of our extracting the chief of his lordship's remarks on the extension of Christianity in India. His description of the two bishops who have filled the see of Calcutta, is as just as it is eloquent. May their newly appointed successor tread in their steps; especially in those (we may say it without invidiousness, as the plans laid down, and partly acted upon by Bishop Middleton, gave Bishop Heber great advantages over his respected precursor) of the last prelate, whose name and works will long be remembered with deep affection and veneration in every part of India.

"I would direct this inquiry, with peculiar earnestness of application, to our relations with that vast empire which has 'sprung up in the east, like the seed which

is cast into the ground, and springeth and groweth up, men know not how. bent on a Christian country, been adeHas either part of the obligation, incumquately fulfilled; the providing for the spiritual nurture and stedfastness of those who are already believers, or the bringing, of the heathen into the fold of Christ?

"It is only of late, that the rulers of that prodigious empire have opened their eyes to the necessity of planting in those regions, where Christianity can afford to dispense with none of her means or aids, a réligious establishment, formed after that model which the Apostles themselves stationed in the midst of an unbelieving world. From that moment it may be said of our Indian possessions, that the Lord hath planted a vineyard there, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and at the season he will send his servants to receive the fruit; and, we áre persuaded, not in vain."

"Regarding, as I do, with deep and heartfelt veneration, the disinterested zeal and pious resolution of those holy men whose praise is in all the churches, who laboured in the missionary field so many years under every disadvantage, against hope believing in hope; enduring all things, that they might by all means save some and knowing, as I do, that in the church which they founded, and the flock which is fed by their successors, is still to be found (in the words of Bishop Heber)

the strength of the Christian cause in India; I may yet venture to say, that Christianity was not likely to make a

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