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to attend in the Bungalow chapels of the society. The attendance at these places sometimes amounts to 200 persons and upward, but usually averages from 30 to 80. The missionaries express the encouragement which they derive from the present aspect of things, and the spirit of inquiry which the heathen are beginning, in some degree, to manifest. With these encouraging circumstances, however, they are not forgetful of the difficulties with which their work is attended. There are in connexion with this station one English and thirteen native schools: the native schools contain 812 scholars. "The subject of native female education in this country is becoming increasingly popular among all ranks of society; and is evidently gaining rapid accessions of strength. Many were the difficul ties with which it was at first as sailed in its feeble career; yet per severing zeal has, by the blessing of God, triumphed over them. In the space of four years, above 500 native females have been brought under a course of instruction, and have made fair progress in reading, writing, and needle-work. The separate fund, opened by the society in support of native-female education in India, amounted to nearly 1800%.: of this sum upward of 4001. had been produced by a sale of ladies' work. The foundation-stone of a central school was laid on the 18th of May, by the lady of the governor general. Many natives, particularly women, were present. The liberal benefactor of the school, Budinath Roy, addressed Lady Amherst, through his interpreter, in terms of deep gratitude for the obligations bestowed on his coun trywomen. The press finds employment for several converted natives. In a year and a half there were printed fifty-two different books and tracts, forming a total of 123,344 copies, containing nearly six millions of pages. More than one half consisted of single Gospels, the Acts, and the book of Isaiah; printed for

the Bible Society. The press is beneficial to the society in a pecuniary view. The tracts are eagerly received by the natives. lead me We might apply to the society's proceedings, in its various stations, the following remarks of Mr Thomason, relative to those at Burdwan: "Those who are sanguine in their hopes of an extensive and rapid conversion of the natives to Christianity, will see nothing very encou-". raging in what has now been re ported: but to us, who have watched the course of things from the very commencement of our missionary labours, these openings cannot but be very cheering. We have felt the strong prejudices which opposed the work, and the difficulty with which even a common school for the in struction of children could be esta blished: we found it necessary to bes cautious and prudent, patient and persevering; and have seen the gra dual progress of education, until a whole class of boys have grown up under our eyes, preparing daily for useful labour, and becoming more qualified and disposed to communi cate instruction to their fellow countrymen. We now see these boys, some of them actually engaged in superintending schools, others about to undertake the work of translating, whilst all unite with the Christian minister in his daily prayers, and even accompany him to native villages, and open the service with a hymn to the honour of the Redeemer, in a chapel established at the request of the villagers themselves. In all this we must rejoice. We thank God, and take courage; not doubting that He who hath be gun the good work will carry it forward."




From Madras the missionaries write,-"It has pleased our heavenly Master to give us much encouragement in the various branches of our mission. Our several congregations are all on the increase. In the in teresting work of female education,

we have unexpected success. Our native-girls' schools are four in number, and contain 130 children: our English-girls' schools are three in number, and contain about 120. The fields are already white unto the harvest!"

The Church Missionary Society's seminary, designed for training up young men as schoolmasters and assistants in the work of missions, was commenced, upon a small scale, in the beginning of the year 1822. The total number of boys now under instruction is 30; of which 23 are natives, and seven country-born. Of the elder youths four are now employed as schoolmasters and assistants in the Madras mission.

AtTranquebar the applications for new schools, by heathen natives, have increased. In the seminary at this station there are 14 youths. Much gratitude is evinced by many of the children for the opportunities of instruction which they enjoy. The gentlemen who reside in this part of the country take a warm interest in the society's school-establishment, and are always ready to aid the work.

From Tinnevelly the missionaries write, that a new church has been erected at Palamcottah; the expense amounted to 2000 rupees, of which the Madras committee advanced 800: the remainder was raised by contributions from all classes of people in the neighbourhood, Europeans, native Christians, Mohamme. dans, and heathens. The spirit of inquiry after Divine truth is extend. ing among the natives: they are forsaking their idols and idolatrous practices, and are enrolling themselves among the professed servants of Christ. The district surrounding Palamcottah furnishes great encouragement to the servants of Christ to persevere and abound in their work. In that field, Ziegenbalg and Swartz, and their companions, sowed the seed, and followed it with many a prayer for its increase;-but theirs was not the honour to gather in the

harvest: they laboured, and others have entered into their labours.

The stations occupied in Travancore are Cotym, Cochin, and Allepie. At Cotym, the college contained 47 students. Most of the schools have kept up their numbers; but several, which used to be well attended, are now almost deserted. The schoolmasters are, however, continued ; and there is no reason to doubt but that the people will send their chil dren again after a time. At Cochin there is a noble church; a congregation of about 200, who understand English; a school of 20 children, and the prospect of establishing other schools, amounting to about 1000 children.


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During his visit to Ceylon, Bishop Heber examined the society's schools, and expressed much pleasure in the progress of the children. The printing department is coming into action, and a second press has been obtained. Several pieces, in Cingalese and in English, have been printed. St. Matthew's Gospel, of Mr. Lambric's version, has been circulated; and he was about to put to press either the Book of Genesis or the Acts of the Apostles.

Twelve natives on one station embraced the opportunity afforded them by the bishop holding a confirmation, of making a public profession of their faith in Christ, and of their determination to devote themselves to his service. The missionaries state, that, on a brief review of the year,

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they have not been without some trials and afflictions; but no heavy calamity has befallen them, and great and especial blessings have been granted to them.


The committee state, that, besides the Auxiliary Church Missionary Society, established in New SouthWales, a corresponding committee had been formed, to collect information on subjects of a missionary nature, to assist the society's missionaries, and to watch over the society's missions and schools, whether in New South-Wales, New Zealand, or any other part of Australasia. No attempt had yet been made by the society among the Aborigines, no proper person having been found for the purpose. But this want, it was hoped, would soon be supplied. The New-Zealand seminary at Paramatta was completed. Mr. William Hall and his family, with four New-Zealanders and nine natives of New Holland reside there.

Our readers are aware of the many vicissitudes which have been permitted to visit the New-Zealand mission. The missionaries, previously to those calamities, had written to the following purport: "The natives at Rangheehoo continue to behave quietly towards us the scholars, and those who live in our houses, are increasing in knowledge: they attend Divine service, and are fond of singing hymns. Their parents are much pleased to see them write and to hear them read, and say that they are missionaries, and employ them to write to me for any thing they may want. It is pleasing to visit the other settlements, and see so many natives, young and old, assemble together to sing and pray with their teachers."

And again, "On our first coming here, it was with great difficulty that we were able to live among the natives; who, at one time, hardly ever came to our settlement without molesting us in some way or other.

But it is not so now: it is very seldom they molest us, except when fighting-parties assemble together. I cannot but see a considerable improvement in their outward conduct."

The Christian and persevering spirit of the missionaries will appear from the following passage from the most recent letter contained in the Report:-" Whatever may befal our mission, we are now prepared to depart or stay, according to the behaviour of the natives; but it is, I believe, our united determination to remain until we are absolutely driven away. It may be the will of God that our work should be interrupted for a season, that it may be carried on with greater vigour hereafter. We know that we are concealed in the hollow of the hand of the Lord, who will not suffer the enemy to do more than shall tend to the good of his people and the prosperity of his


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The committee are happy in being able to state, that a correspond. ing committee has been formed in the island of Jamaica, whose object it will be to obtain and circulate information, and to recommend such measures as may tend to promote the society's plans for the spiritual benefit of the slave population of the West-India Islands. The committee have placed the sum of 2001. at the disposal of the Bishop of Jamaica, for promoting the establishment of schools. The society occupy five stations in the West Indies, having nine schools, eighteen teachers, and 1400 scholars.

NORTH-WEST AMERICA MISSION. In the midst of much distress, occasioned by a destructive inundation, the ministerial labours of the missionaries have been attended with many encouraging circumstances. The Sunday services and the prayer-meeting in the week, are well attended, At Christmas 1825, Mr. Jones had the happiness of admitting to the Lord's Supper the first native Indian. The Sunday and

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week-day schools were in a flourishing state in the winter; but in the spring the settlers were so dispersed that it was impossible for their children to attend them. The Indian boys are making considerable progress in knowledge, and some of them seem to attend with a great deal of sincerity when religious instruction is delivered. Some of the Indians evince a great desire for the instruction of their children.

In concluding the Report of their proceedings, the committee give the following summary of the society's operations-In its nine missions there are 54 stations, with which are connected 286 schools. All these different stations are employing 458 labourers; of whom 124 are Europeans, and 334 born in the respective countries where they are employed. In the schools there are

SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING In the course of the year, the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge has distributed to its members and the public 54,896 Bibles, 75,547 Testaments and Psalters, 146,668 Books of Common Prayer, 91,897 bound books, and 1,092,844 tracts. The receipts of the society have amounted to 70,000l. and its expenditure to 65,6451. Of the latter sum 54,652. have been paid for books and tracts issued from the society's stores; and 7,2384. for grants in aid of the foreign operations of the society. This large income is not more than sufficient to defray the increasing demands upon the society's funds; so that no material extension of its designs can be safely undertaken without a still further increase of disposable means. The society is well aware that such an increase can only be expected from a general conviction of the utility of its services; and in the humble hope that such a conviction may be strengthened by an account of its proceedings during the last year, it submits the following outline of them to the consideration of the public.


13,447 scholars; 9479 of whom are boys, 3086 girls, and 882 ́ adults. Many churches have been built, in which the Gospel is faithfully preached, and the ordinances of God administered; and at some of the principal stations printing-presses have been established, from which the Scriptures, liturgy, and religious tracts are issued in large numbers.

Of the success which God has given to the society in the use of these means, the committee acknowledge, with devout gratitude to God, that they have been permitted to gather some fruit from among the heathen: but they regard the present only as the seed time; and scattering, as God enables them, the incorruptible seed of his word, they would wait in faith and patience for the promised harvest.


The society has always been anxious to diffuse its benefits in every part of the British empire. Ireland, in particular, has participated largely in its bounty; and, during the past year, fresh exertions have been used to meet the demand which has arisen for the word of God in the Irish language. The society has made a considerable grant of Bibles and Books of Common Prayer, in English, to the Dublin Association for discountenancing Vice, for the use of schools, hospitals, workhouses, gaols, and for general distribution. It has also renewed its endeavours to complete the edition of the Irish Bible, as well as to commence the reprinting of the Book of Common Prayer in the same language. The portion of the Old Testament already printed has been transmitted to Dublin, to be exa- · mined by a competent Irish scholar, and the university of Dublin has consented to allow the Book of Common Prayer to be printed at its press. The very limited number of biblical scholars who are critically acquainted with the Irish language, has thrown great obstacles in the 51

way of translations into that tongue. But time and p perseverance will enable the heads of the Church of Ireland to remove impediments; and the society is pledged not to desist until it is able to supply its members and the public with copies of the Scriptures and of the liturgy in the Irish language.

Another subject, which has required great attention, is the revision of the books and tracts circulated by the society. It was stated in the Report for the year 1825, that the length of time which had elapsed since many of these works were adopted, and the change which had subsequently taken place among all ranks of society, had shewn the necessity of some alteration, and the extent to which such alteration should be carried; and that it had been determined to suffer such works as appeared, after mature examination, unsuited to the present wants of the people, to remain out of print, while others, partly of a similar description, might be abridged for the especial use of the society. It is hoped, that in one or two more years, the work may be brought to a successful termination. In the mean time, we cannot but repeat our wish that some specific information on the subject were given to the members. They ought to have the fullest opportunity of knowing the extent of the changes made, and the reasons on which they are grounded.

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readers ought to bear in mind, in answer to an objection which has been made to this catalogue, that no part of the funds subscribed for religious purposes is expended in reducing the prices of these works. The following works have been admitted on this list in the course of the last year:-Bishop Burnet's Life and Death of Lord Rochester; and Rev. E. Berens's Selections from the Spectator and Guardian: also, Hall's Voyage to Loo Choo; Burman Empire, 2 vols.; Adventures of British Seamen; and Memoirs of La Rochejacquelin, from Constable's Miscellany.

New committees have been formed in the course of the last year, at the following places; namely, East Kirreir and Torrington, in the diocese of Exeter; Niagara, Kingston, and Liverpool, in the diocese of Quebec; and Liverpool, St. John's Newfoundland, Harbor Grace, din the diocese of Nova Scotia ; and the Cape of Good Hope an doy an

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Former Reports have adverted to the large number of Bibles and Prayer-books furnished, at the request of the late Duke of York, for the use of the land forces. The society has consented, in reply to the inquiries of the Lord High Admiral, to supply the crews of the royal navy on the same reasonable terms; and it has heard, the Report states, with great satisfaction, through the senior chaplain of Greenwich Hos pital, the Rev. Dr. Cole, that no religious books or tracts will be circulated through the navy, except such as are on the catalogue of the society. We cannot exactly gather from this brief statement a correct idea of the regulation adverted to. Circulated by whom? Individuals or public boards have either of them doubt, less a right to select what books and tracts they think best; but they would not be justified in interfering with the equal liberties of their fellow-subjects. We may have occa sion to allude again to this topicoot

The last edition of 5000 copies of the society's Family Bible has been

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