I will be hang'd if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging, cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander; I'll be hang'd else. lago. Fie, there is no such man ; it is impossible. Annual Register - Page 963edited by - 1822Full view - About this book
 | William Shakespeare - 1788 - 568 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. jEmil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Has not devis'd this slander ; I'll be hang'd else. lags. Fie, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 444 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander; I'll be hang'd else. logo. Fye, there is no such man; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1804 - 642 pages
...comes this trick upon him? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander; I'll be hang'd else. lago. Fie, there is no such man; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 486 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander ; I'll be hang'd else. lago. Fye, there is no such man; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 486 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander; I'll be hang'd else. logo. Fye, there is no such man; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 420 pages
...this trick upon him ? DM. Nay, heaven doth know. I'.mil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander; I'll be hang'd else. logo. Fye, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1807 - 344 pages
...this trick upon him ? DM. Nay, heaven doth know. i'.mil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander ; I'll be hang'd else. logo. Fye, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - English drama - 1808 - 440 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, Heaven doth know. Emit. 1 will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander ; I'll be hang'd else. /ago. Fie, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1809 - 448 pages
...comes this trick upon him? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emit. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander ; I '11 be hang'd else. lago. Fye, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1811 - 500 pages
...this trick upon him ? Des. Nay, heaven doth know. Emil. I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devis'd this slander ; I'll be hang'd, else. ' lago. Fye, there is no such man ; it is impossible.... | |
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