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" English, surrendered to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his eldest son and his... "
The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical ... - Pagina 128
di John Britton, Edward Wedlake Brayley, Joseph Nightingale, James Norris Brewer, John Evans, John Hodgson, Francis Charles Laird, Frederic Shoberl, John Bigland, Thomas Rees - 1813
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New Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common ..., Volume 1

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, John Bernard Bosanquet, Sir Christopher Puller - 1806 - 440 pagine
...special verdict in ejectment, and it was stated to be a surrender by a copyholder of borough English, to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his eldest son, if he should attain 21, provided and upon condition that if he died before 21 it should...
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The Beauties of England and Wales: Or, Delineations ..., Volume 17,Parte 2

John Britton - 1813 - 802 pagine
...posterity, he having, long before the treason was commit(nl, conveyed this and many other manors, to theme of himself for life, and after to the use of his son...children : so that when afterwards he was attainted and exeented, still he being ouly tenant for life, his estate remained to Sir Kenelm, his sou, who being...
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An Exact Abridgment, in English, of the Eleven Books of Reports of the ...

Sir Thomas Ireland, Sir Edward Coke - 1813 - 460 pagine
...15 of the Queen, fo. 1. IN dower, the tenant shews that the husband made a Jeoffment of other land to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of the demandant for life, &c. and avers that the said estate was for her joynture, &c. and that the demandant...
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The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, Or, A ..., Volume 1

Sir Edward Coke - 1817 - 950 pagine
...of a fine levied and a recovery suffered by husband and wife, of lands before stilled by the husband to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his wife and of the heirs male of her body by him begotten, for her jointure, 365. bn (A). Mr. Justice...
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A Digest of the Laws of England Respecting Real Property, Volume 5

William Cruise - 1818 - 648 pagine
...husband and wife; for Lord Coke has stated a case where a man seised of lands in fee, levied a fine to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his wife, and of the heirs male of her body by him begotten, for her jointure, and had issue male ; afterwards...
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Reports of Cases Upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the ..., Parte 125,Volume 5

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords, Patrick Dow - 1818 - 468 pagine
...special verdict in ejectment, and it was stated to be a surrender by a copyholder of Borough English, to the use of himself for life, and after, to the use of his eldest son if he should attain twenty-one, provided and upon condition that if he died before twenty-one...
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A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the Laws of ...

Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas Littleton, John Henry Thomas - 1818 - 752 pagine
...advancement of the blood, or upon any other good consideration, to stand seised of three acres of land to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of Thomas his eldest son in tail ; and for default of such issue, to the use of his second son in tail,...
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The History, Principles and Practice, (ancient and Modern,) of the Legal ...

Charles Runnington - 1820 - 620 pagine
...demise of the crown (<?). A. covenanted to stand seised of land, to the value of ^£"100 per annum, to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his daughters successively, who should be unmarried at the time of his death, till they should severally...
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Sheppard's Touchstone of Common Assurances: Or, A Plain and Familiar ...

William Sheppard - 1820 - 1198 pagine
...conveyance, as against him that shall afterwards purchase this land. So that if one con- Co 8 ft vey his land to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of divers of his blood, with a future power, as after the death of H. or after such a day to revoke it,...
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A Treatise on Copyholds: Customary Freeholds, Ancient Demesne, and ..., Volume 1

John Scriven (serjeant at law.) - 1821 - 684 pagine
...C, B. 35 Car. 2, is thus reported by Levinz (149). A copyholder of land, Borough English, surrenders to the use of himself for life, and after to the use of his eldest son and his heirs, if he live to the age of twenty one years; provided and upon condition that...
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