... safety, called to one another: those that were nearest our lovers, hearing no answer, stepped to the place where they lay: they first saw a little smoke, and after, this faithful pair - John with one arm about his Sarah's neck, and the other held... The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical ... - Pagina 436di John Britton, Edward Wedlake Brayley, Joseph Nightingale, James Norris Brewer, John Evans, John Hodgson, Francis Charles Laird, Frederic Shoberl, John Bigland, Thomas Rees - 1813Visualizzazione completa - Informazioni su questo libro
 | Select collection - 1806 - 262 pagine
...this faithful pair;- — John, with one arm about his Sarah's neck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and already grown stiff and cold in this tender posture. There was no mark or discolouring on their bodies,... | |
 | Elegant epistles - 1812 - 316 pagine
...tliis faithful pair; John with one arm about Sarah's neck, and the other held over her, as to ski ecu her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and stiffened in this tender posture. Sarah's left fye-hrow was singed, and there appeared a black spot on her breast : her lover was all over black,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1812 - 394 pagine
...this faithful pair ; — John, with one arm about his Sarah's neck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and already grown stiff and cold in this tender posture. There was no mark or discolouring on their bodies,... | |
 | John Britton - 1813 - 802 pagine
...they lay. They perceived the barley all in a smoke, and then spied the faithful pair, John with ouc arm about Sarah's neck, and the other held over her...appeared a black spot on her breast. Her lover was aU over black ; but not the least signs of life were found in either. Attended by their melancholy... | |
 | Elizabeth Frank - 1814 - 400 pagine
...'answer, stepped to the place where they lay; perceived the barley all in a smoke; and then spied this faithful pair: John with one arm about Sarah's neck,...her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and they stiffened, in this tender posture. Sarah's left eye-brow . was singed, and there appeared a black... | |
 | Frank Elizabeth - 1814 - 400 pagine
...answer, stepped to the place where they lay; perceived the barley all in a smoke; and then spied this faithful pair: John with one arm about Sarah's neck,...her" from the lightning. They were struck dead, and they stiffened, in this tender posture. Sarah's left eye-brow was singed, and there appeared a black... | |
 | 1816 - 358 pagine
...and the other held over her, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and they stiffened, in this tender posture. Sarah's left eyebrow...there appeared a black spot on her breast; her lover WES all over black : but not the least signs of life were found in either. Attended by their melancholy... | |
 | Mary Wortley Montagu - 1816 - 374 pagine
...this faithful pair ; — John, with one arm about his Sarab's neck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and already grown stiff and cold in this tender posture. There was no mark of discoloring on their bodies,... | |
 | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - 1817 - 308 pagine
...this faithful pair ;—John, with one arm about his Sarah's neck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and already grown stiff and cold in this tender posture. There was no mark or discolouring on their bodies,... | |
 | 1821 - 396 pagine
...this faithful pair ; — John, with one arm about his Sarah's ueck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning;. They were struck dead, and already grown stiff and cold in this tender posture. There was no mark or discolouring on their bodies,... | |
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