“The” Philosophy of Rhetoric, Volume 2W. Strahan, and T. Cadell, and W. Creech, 1776 - English language |
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adjectives adverb againſt alfo almoft alſo ambiguity anfwer antithefis arifing becauſe befides cafe caufe cauſe circumftance claufes clauſe compofition confequence confiderable confidered conftruction conjunctions diftinction diſcover doth effect English eſpecially example expreffed expreffion faid fame fecond feems fenfe fenfible fentence fentiment ferve fhall fignify figns fimilar fimple firft firſt folely fome fomething fometimes fpeak fpecies fpeech French ftill ftyle fubftantive fubject fuch fufficient fuggeft fyllables hath hearer himſelf illuftrate inftance itſelf juft kind laft language laſt leaſt lefs manner meaning meaſure metaphor metonymy moft moſt muft muſt nature neceffary noun obfcurity obferved occafion paffage paffion perfon perfpicuity phrafes phraſes poffible pofition prefent preffion prepofition profe pronoun purpoſe reafon refemblance refpect remark rendered ſay ſenſe ſhall ſhould ſome ſpeak ſpeaker tence thefe themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe tion tongue tranflation tropes underſtanding uſe verb verſe vivacity wherein whofe words writer