| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 578 pages
...Majefty. Cade. I thank you, good People. There ft all be no Mony, all fhali eat and drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they...worfhip me their Lord. Dick- The firft thing we do, lets kill all the Lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentablething, that the Skin... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1714 - 458 pages
...Majefty. Cade. I thank you, good People. There (hall be no Many, all (hall eat and drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they...The firft thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers. Cstdt. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the Skin of an Innocent Lamb ftiould... | |
| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1714 - 262 pages
...drink upon my Score, and I will apparel them all in one Livery, that they may agree like Bro. ihcrs, and worfhip me their Lord. Dick. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers. CaJt. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the Skin of an Innocent Lamb fhould... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 434 pages
...will be All. God lave your Majefty ! Cade. I thank you, good people. There mail be no mony; all mail eat and drink upon my fcore; and I will apparel them...one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and worftiip me their lord. Diet. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 372 pages
...my fcore, and I will aparcl them all in one livery, that they may agree like (brothers, and worfliip me their Lord. Dick. The firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, th£t I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable tfcing, that the flun of an innocent lamb fliould be made... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 434 pages
...will be Ml. God fave your Majefty ! Cade. I thank you, good people. There (hall be no mony ; all (hall eat and drink upon my fcore ; and I will apparel them...one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and wor(hip me their lord. Dick. The,firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay-, that I... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 500 pages
...All. God fave your Majefty ! Cade* \ thank you, good people. There mall' be no money ; 4 all {hall eat and drink upon my fcore ; and I will apparel them...may agree like brothers, and worfhip me their Lord. Dicki The firft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyer Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1767 - 420 pages
...dll. God fave your Majefty ! • Cade. I thank you, good people. There (hall be no money ; all (hall eat and drink upon my fcore; and I will apparel them...one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and wormip me their Lord. Dick. The firft tiling we do, .let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 518 pages
...Cade. I thank you, good people. There fhall be noj money ; * all mall eat and drink upon my fcorej and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they...we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that 1 mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that the fkin of an innecenl latnb ftiould be made parchment... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 426 pages
...Majefty ! Cade. I thank you, good people. There Hall be no money; all fhall eat and drink upon myfcore; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they...agree like brothers, and worfhip me their lord. Dick. Thefirft thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Cade. Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable... | |
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