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" Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school : and whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing to be used, and, contrary to the king, his crown... "
The Plays of William Shakespeare - Page 102
by William Shakespeare - 1804
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King Henry VI, part 1. King Henry VI, part 2

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 382 pages
...fore-fathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing to be us'd ; and, contrary to the king, his crown, and dignity,...abominable words, as no Christian ear can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of peace, to call poor men before them about matters they were not...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 33-34

John Bell - English poetry - 1797 - 722 pages
...contrary ' to the King, his crown and dignity, thou hast built. ' a Payeemili. It will be proved to tny face, that thou ' hast men about thee that usually...a verb, and such abominable words, as no Christian ' enrcan endure to hear." 'Twas the opinion of those tinkers, tailors, We. that governed Chelmsford...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 384 pages
...traitorously corrupted the youth of ' the realm, in erecting a grammar-school : and ' whereas, before, onr fore-fathers had no other ' books but the score and...noun, and a ' verb ; and such abominable words, as no Chris' tian ear can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed 1 A fifteen was the fifteenth part of all the...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 514 pages
...hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of ' the realm, in ercctingagrammar-school: and where' as, before, our fore-fathers had no other books but '...and ' such abominable words, as no Christian ear can en' dure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of ' peace, to call poor men before them about matters...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 506 pages
...fore-fathers had no other books but ' the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing ' to be used;8 and, contrary to the king, his crown, ' and dignity,...and ' such abominable words, as no Christian ear can en' dure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of ' peace, to call poor men before them about matters...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 462 pages
...fore-fathers had no other books but the score and ' the tally, thou hast caused printing to be used55 ; ' and, contrary to the king, his crown, and dignity,...abominable ' words, as no Christian ear can endure to hear Thou ' hast appointed justices of peace, to call poor men ' before them about matters they were...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 368 pages
...thou art. Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm, in erecting a grammar-school : and whereas, before, our fore-fathers had no other...abominable words, as no Christian ear can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of peace, to call poor men before them about matters they were not...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with Explanatory Notes ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 584 pages
...fore-fathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing2 to be us'd; ing, And all the ruins of distressful times car cai endure to iiear. Thou hast appointed justices o: peace, to call poor men before them about...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With Explanatory Notes ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 572 pages
...contrary to the king. his crown, and dignity, thou hast built a paper-mill. It will be proved to thy tace, that thou hast men about thee, that usually talk of...verb ; and such abominable words, as no Christian car can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of peace, to call poor men before them about matters...
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Henry V

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 428 pages
...corrupted the youth of the realm, in erecting a grammar-school : and whereas, before, our forefathers Bad no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast...abominable words, as no Christian ear can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed justices of peace, to call poor men before them about matters they were not...
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