Th' had heard three labourers of Babel, Or Cerberus himself pronounce A leash of languages at once. This he as volubly would vent, As if his stock would ne'er be spent; And truly, to support that charge, He had supplies as vast and large; For he could... Hudibras - Page 10by Samuel Butler - 1757Full view - About this book
 | Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1750 - 486 pages
...himfelf pronounce A Jeafh of languages at once. 305 This he as volubly would vent i As if his ftock would ne'er be fpent ; And truly, to fupport that charge, He had fupplies as vaft and large i For he cou'd coin or counterfeit no New words, with little or no wit;... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1753 - 462 pages
...Cerberus himfclf pronounce A lafh of languages at once. 105 This he as volubly would vent As if his flock would ne'er be fpent ; And truly, to fupport that charge, He had fupplies as vaft and large : For he could coin or counterfeit 1 10 New words, with little or no wit... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 404 pages
...of Babel ; ..«.'-^ . Or Cerberus him felf pronounce A Leash of Languies at once. This he as volutiy 'would vent, As if his Stock would ne'er be fpent ; And truly, to fupport that Charge , He had Suppli-ei as i3aft and large .* For he could Coin or'C'oumirfeit lon^ ^ [l New Words, with tittle or... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 pages
...gabble , . Th' had heard three Labourers of Babel ; Or Cerberus himfelf pronouncf A Leash ofLanguages at once. This he as volubly would vent , As if his Stock would ne 'er be ffent j And truly , to fupport that Charge , He had Supplies as vaft and large : "for he... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 pages
...gabble , Th' had heard three Labourers of Babel -t Or Cerberus himfetf p renounce A Leash of Language! at once. This he as volubly would vent, As if his Stock would ne 'er be fpent ,• And truly, to fupport .that Charge , He had Supplies as vaft and large f for he... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1773 - 404 pages
...think, when he did gabble, Th' had heard three labourers of Babel; Or Cerberus himfelf pronounce A L-afh of languages at once. This he as volubly would vent As if lus ftock would ne'er be fpent; Canto I. HUDIBRA S. « And truly to fupport that charge, He had fupplies... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 342 pages
...himfelf pronounce A leafh of languages at once. This he as volubly would vent, roe As if his ftock would ne'er be fpent: And truly, to fupport that charge, He had fupplies as vaft and large; For he could coin or counterfeit New words, with. little or no wit ;. tig... | |
 | John Bell - English poetry - 1797 - 722 pages
...Which made some think, when he did gabble, Th' had heard three labourers of Babel, Or Cerberus himself pronounce A leash of languages at once. This he as volubly would vent, to5 As if his stock would ne'er be spent : Arid truly, to support that charge, He had supplies as vast... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1803 - 522 pages
...himfelf pronounce A Jeafli of languages at once. This he as volubly would vent, 10 J As if his ftock would ne'er be fpent : And truly, to fupport that charge, He had fupplies as vaft and large ; 4 more addreflis to the King, they who were not above the condition of... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 654 pages
...Which made some think, when he did gabble, Th' had heard three labourers of Babel, Or Cerberus himself pronounce A leash of languages at once. This he as...volubly would vent, As if his stock would ne'er be spent : And truly, to support that charge, He had supplies as vast and large . For he could coin or... | |
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