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" t has been held by many, that As Montaigne, playing with his cat, Complains she thought him but an ass, Much more she would Sir Hudibras. (For that's the name our valiant knight To all his challenges did write.) But they're mistaken very much, 'Tis plain... "
Hudibras - Page 4
by Samuel Butler - 1757
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Hudibras: In Three Parts

Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1750 - 486 pages
...been held by many, that As MONTAIGNE c, playing with his cat, Complains me thought him but an afs, 4.0 Much more fhe wou'd Sir HUDIBRAS ; (For that's the...our valiant Knight To all his challenges did write.) But they're miftaken very much, 'Tis plain enough he was no fuch i C 45 We grant altho' he had much...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts. Written in the Time of the Late Wars. By Samuel ...

Samuel Butler - 1753 - 462 pages
...playing with his cat, Complains fhe thought him but an afs, p Much more fhe would Sir HudIbras, CFor that's the name our valiant knight To all his challenges did write.) But they're miflaken very much, 'Tis plain enough he was no fuch; 45 We grant, although he had much...
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Hudibras: Poëme, Volume 1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 pages
...That Knaves do work with , call'da fool. for't has been held by many , that As Montaigne s playing with his Cat , Complains fhe thought him but an Afs...our valiant Knight To all his Challenges did write. ) ~Bnt they're miftakenvery much, 'Tis plain enough he was no fetch : We grant , altho' he had much...
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Hudibras: Poëme ecrit dans le tems de troubles d'Angleterre, Volume 1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 pages
...That Knaves do work with , call'da, fool. fort has been held by maay , that As Montaigne , playing with his Cat > Complains fhe thought him but an Afs , Much more fhe woud Sir Hudibras ; ( for that' s the Name our valiant KnightTo ail his Challenges did write. ) Sut they're miftakenvery tmtch,...
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Hudibras: Poëme, Volume 1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 404 pages
...Montaigne , playing with his Cat , ' -A Complains fhe thought him but an Afs , Much more fhe wau'd Sir Hudibras ; ( for that's the Name our valiant Knight To all his Challenges: did write. ) Sut they're miftaktnvery much, .. !".'' *T« plain enough he was no fitch : . > . i.. We grant ,...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts

Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1761 - 570 pages
...many, that As MONTAIGNE % playing with his Cat, Complains fhe thought him but an Afs, 40 Much more {he wou'd Sir HUDIBRAS ; (For that's the Name our valiant Knight To all his Challenges did write.) But they're miftaken very much, 'Tis plain enough he was no fuch : 45 We grant altho' he had much Wit,...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts. Written in the Time of the Civil Wars. By Samuel ...

Samuel Butler - 1773 - 404 pages
...35 That knaves do work with, calfd a Fool. For't has been held by many, that As Montaigne, playing with his cat, Complains fhe thought him but an afs, Much more fhe would Sir Hudibras, 40 ( For that's the name our valiant Knight To all his challenges did write.) Canto...
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The Works of the English Poets: Butler

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 348 pages
...5 That knaves do work with, call'da Fool. For 't has been Held by many, that As Montaigne, playing with his cat, Complains fhe thought him but an afs, Much more fhe would Sir Hudibras 40 (For that 's the name our valiant Knight To all his challenges did write) i But...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 13

English poets - 1790 - 342 pages
...£g That knaves do work with, call'da Fool. For 't has been held by many, that As Montaigne, playing with his cat, Complains fhe thought him but an afs, Much more fhe would Sir Hudibras 40 (For that 's the name our valiant Knight To all his challenges did write) : But...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 5

Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 738 pages
...that As Montaigne, playing with his cat, Complains (he thought him but an aft, Much more fee' would Sir Hudibras ; For that's the name our valiant knight To all his challenges did write; But they're miftaken very much ; 'TiVplain enough he was not fuch. We giant, although he had much wit,...
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