Although by woful proof we find They always leave a scar behind. He knew the seat of paradise, Could tell in what degree it lies: And, as he was disposed, could prove it, Below the moon, or else above it. What Adam dreamt of when his bride Came from her... Hudibras - Page 16by Samuel Butler - 1757Full view - About this book
 | Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...Seat of Paradife, Could tell in what Degree it lies, And, as he was difpos'd, could prove it Below the Moon, or elfe above it. What Adam dreamt of, when his Bride Came from her Clpfet in his Side : Whether the Devil tempted her By a High-Dutch Interpreter. If either of them had... | |
 | Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1750 - 490 pages
...of paradife, Cou'd tell in what degree it lies i 175 And, as he was difpos'd, cou'd prove it, Below the moon, or elfe above it. : What ADAM dreamt of, when his bride Came from her clofet in his fide i Whether the devil tempted her 180 By ai High-dutch interpreteri If either of them t had a navel... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1753 - 462 pages
...of paradife, Could tell in what degree it lies ; 175 And, as he was difpos'd .could prove it, Below the moon, or elfe above it. What Adam dreamt of, when his bride. Came from her clofet in his fide : Whether the devil tempted her 180 By a High -Dutch interpreter : If either of them had a navel... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 424 pages
...lies :. > And , as he was diffos 'd cou'd provi it , Selew the Meon , or elfe a,bcrve ii. s.- :' WTnat Adam dreamt of , when his "Bride --,/, • Came from her Clofet in his Side : r- -> •• Whether the Devil tempted her "Sy a High-Dutch Interpreter : Jf either ofthem had a,... | |
 | Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1761 - 570 pages
...of Paradife, Cou'd tell in what Degree it lies : 75 And, as he was difpos'd, cou'd prove it, Below the Moon, or elfe above it. What ADAM dreamt of, when...Clofet in his Side : Whether the Devil tempted her 80 By a » High-Dutch Interpreter : If either of them { had a Navel : Who firft " made Mufick malleable... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 338 pages
...feat of Paradife, Could tell in what degree it lies, And, as he was difpos'd, could prove it 175 Below the moon, or elfe above it; What Adam dreamt of, when his bride Came from her clofet in his fide; Whether the Devil tempted her By a High-Dutch interpreter; 180 If either of them had a navel... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 342 pages
...Paradife, Could tell in what degree it lies, And,, as he .was difpos'd, could prove it 1 7 ; Below. the. moon, or elfe above it; What Adam dreamt of, when his bride Came from her clofet in his fide; Whether the devil tempted her By a High-Dutch interpreter; l8o Ver. 157, 158.] Altered thus in... | |
 | Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 738 pages
...feat of Paradife, Could tell in what degree it lies, And, as he was difpos'd, could prove it Below the moon, or elfe above it ; What Adam 'dreamt of, when his bride Came from her clofet in his fide ; Whether the devil tempted her By a high Dutch interpreter ; If either of them had a navel; Who... | |
 | John Bell - English poetry - 1797 - 722 pages
...Could tell in what degree it lies, And, as he was dispos'd, could prove it 175 Below the moon, or else above it ; What Adam dreamt of, when his bride Came from her closet in his side ; Whether the devil templed her By a high Dutch interpreter; iSo If cither of then)... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 842 pages
...feat of Paradife, Could tell in what degree it lies, And, as he was difpos'd, could prove it 175 Below the moon, or elfe above it ; What Adam dreamt of, when his bride Came from her clofetin hit fide; Whether the devil tempted her By a High-Dutch intci prefer ; • «!o If either... | |
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