The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler: In Three Volumes. Collated with the Best Editions:, Volumes 1-2Printed at the Stanhope Press, by Charles Whittingham, ... for John Sharpe, 1808 |
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The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler: In Three Volumes. Collated with the ... Samuel Butler,Thomas Park No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
Anabaptist ancient arms astrologer b'ing Bear Bear-baiting beard beast beat believ'd blood blows break Cause Cerdon cheat Church Colonel Colonel Pride conjurer conscience Covenant Crowdero dame devil dogs e'er ears enemy engag'd eyes false fear feats fell fierce fight for't forc'd gain'd give grace haste heart heaven honour horse inchanted King Knight ladies laid lover Magnano moon Napier's bones ne'er never o'er oaths old Cause Oliver Cromwell on't Orsin Paul Neal pow'r Presbyter Presbyterian prov'd prove Quoth Hudibras Quoth Ralpho rabble rais'd Ralpho resolv'd rump Rump Parliament Saints serv'd side Sidrophel soul specieses Squire stars steed stout suffer'd swear sword swore tail tell thee there's things Thomas Rainsborough thou trepanning tricks Trulla turn turn'd twas us'd vow'd Whachum witches words worse wounds ye ave
Popular passages
Page 14 - He could raise scruples dark and nice, And after solve 'em in a trice: As if divinity had catch'd The itch, on purpose to be scratch'd...
Page 16 - God for spite, The self-same thing they will abhor One way, and long another for. Free-will they one way disavow, Another, nothing else allow. All piety consists therein In them, in other men all sin. Rather than fail, they will defy That which they love most tenderly, Quarrel with minc'd pies, and disparage Their best and dearest friend, plum-porridge; Fat pig and goose itself oppose, And blaspheme custard through the nose. Th...
Page 18 - The nether orange, mix'd with grey. This hairy meteor did denounce The fall of sceptres and of crowns ; With grisly type did represent Declining age of government ; And tell, with hieroglyphic spade, Its own grave and the state's were made...
Page 13 - But oftentimes mistook the one For th' other, as great clerks have done. He could reduce all things to acts, And knew their natures by abstracts ; Where entity and quiddity, The ghosts of defunct bodies, fly ; Where truth in person does appear, Like words congeal'd in northern air. He knew what's what, and that's as high As metaphysic wit can fly.
Page 176 - He that complies against his will, Is of his own opinion still ; Which he may adhere to, yet disown, For reasons to himself best known...
Page 159 - Tis the temptation of the devil That makes all human actions evil : For Saints may do the same things by The Spirit, in sincerity, Which other men are tempted to, And at the devil's instance do ; And yet the actions be contrary, Just as the Saints and Wicked vary.
Page 9 - ... nature, Are either for the land or water). But here our authors make a doubt Whether he were more wise, or stout. Some hold the one, and some the other; But howsoe'er they make a pother, The difference was so small, his brain Outweighed his rage but half a grain; Which made some take him for a tool That knaves do work with, called a fool.
Page 98 - I am no starter. In all the trade of war no feat Is nobler than a brave retreat : For those that run away, and fly, Take place at least o' the
Page 16 - To be the true church militant; Such as do build their faith upon The holy text of pike and gun; Decide all controversies by Infallible artillery; And prove their doctrine orthodox, By...
Page 152 - The sun had long since, in the lap Of Thetis, taken out his nap, And, like a lobster boil'd, the morn From black to red began to turn...