Complete Poems, 1941-1994Windhorse, 1995 - Počet stran: 518 The author has dedicated himself to helping people to transform their lives through his work as a Buddhist teacher and the medium of verse. In this collection, spanning more than half a century, he aims to combine the sensitivity of the poet with the vision born of a life of spiritual practice. |
London in Wartime | 23 |
Systole and Diastole | 24 |
Autorská práva | |
Další části 16 nejsou zobrazeny.
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Complete Poems, 1941-1994 Sangharakshita (Bhikshu),Sangharakshita Náhled není k dispozici. - 1995 |
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auspicious sign Autumn azure beauty beneath bird bliss abound blooms blue Bodhi Tree Bodhisattva Bohemian Prague breath bright Buddha Buddhism burning Caves of Bhájá clouds Compassion complete poems dark dawn death deep Dhamma Dhammadeepa dreams earth eyes face fire flame flowers forest friends full moon GLASTONBURY TOR gleam glorious gem gods gold golden grass green grey hands heart heaven hills Kalimpong KANCHENJUNGA leaves light lives Lord lotus Manjushri meditation MERSEY SOUND mind mist moonlight morning mountains night Nightrace o'er pain path peace petals poet poetry praise QUATRAIN quiet rain RHYMED HAIKU rose round Sage Sangharakshita shadows shines this glorious silence silver sing sky blue sky smile snow song SONNET soul stand stars stone stream stupa sweet thee things Thou thought Three Jewels Tonight at noon truth walked walls Wesak wind Windhorse wings Wisdom words yellow