Where never human foot had mark'd the shore, These ruffians left me — Yet believe me, Areas, Such is the rooted love we bear mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A sound so dismal as their parting oars. Lessings Werke - Page 43by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1766Full view - About this book
| 1741 - 776 pages
...yearned within him, and melted at parting with his comrades and al! human focicty at once. " — — — Yet believe me, Areas; Such is the rooted love we bear mankind, All ruffians as they were, 1 never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars." Tkomfun's tlgamtmnim, The Cinque Ports was... | |
| James Thomson - 1750 - 270 pages
...dreary night ! Caft on the wildeft of the Cycled ftes, Where never human foot had mark'd the more, Thefe ruffians left me — Yet believe me, Areas, Such,...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars. — Then horrid filence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| Robert Shiells - 1753 - 366 pages
...night! Caft on the wildeft of the Cyclad Ifles, Where never human foot had rnark'd the Shore, Thefe ruffians left me. — Yet believe me, Areas, Such...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars. — Then horrid filence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| Theophilus Cibber, Robert Shiells - Poets, English - 1753 - 418 pages
...Ifles, Where never human foot had mark'd the fhore, Thefe ruffians left me. — Yet believe me, Arca> Such is the rooted love we bear mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars. — Then horrid filence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| James Thomson - 1757 - 272 pages
...dreary night ! Gallon the wildeft of the Cydadijles, Where never human foot had mark'd the fhore, Thefe ruffians left me — Yet believe me, Areas, Such is...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars.— Then horrid Jilence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| Sophocles, Thomas Francklin - Greek drama (Tragedy) - 1759 - 332 pages
...transfcribing them. Caft on the wildeft of the Cyclad ifles, Where never human foot had mark'd the more, Thefe ruffians left me yet, believe me, Areas, Such is the...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars. SeeThomp. Agam. adt 3. The fentiment in the two laft lines is... | |
| James Thomson - 1763 - 422 pages
...wildeft of the Cyclad iftei, Where never human foot had mark'd -the fhere, . Thefe ruffians left me—Yet believe me, Areas, 'Such is the rooted love we bear mankind, All ruffians as they were, 1 never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars.— Then horrid (Hence follow'd, broke alone... | |
| James Thomson - 1766 - 274 pages
...ijles, Where never human foot had mark'd the more, Thefe ruffians left me — Yet believe me, /frcai,. Such is the rooted love we bear mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars.— Then horrid filence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - 328 pages
...wildeft of the Cyclad Ifles, Where never human foot had mark'd the fhore, Thefe ruffians left me—Yet believe me, Areas, Such is the rooted love we bear...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo difmal as their parting oars. Then horrid filence follow'd, broke alone By the low murmurs... | |
| Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1792 - 434 pages
...fagen lait: C'ait on thé wildeft of the Cyclad Isles Where never human foot had mark'd the shore Thefe ruffians left me — yet believe me, Areas, Such is...mankind, All ruffians as they were, I never heard A found fo dismal as their parting oars. 59 ©díícffnl fon|ï gor nidjt gfeiéeûftlg i ft. Эепп... | |
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