Women, the Family, and Freedom: The Debate in Documents, Volume II, 1880-1950Susan G. Bell, Karen M. Offen This is the second book in a two-part collection of 264 primary source documents from the Enlightenment to 1950 chronicling the public debate that raged in Europe and America over the role of women in Western society. The present volume looks at the period from 1880 to 1950. The central issues--motherhood, women's legal position in the family, equality of the sexes, the effect on social stability of women's education and labor--extended to women the struggle by men for personal and political liberty. These issues were political, economic, and religious dynamite. They exploded in debates of philosophers, political theorists, scientists, novelists, and religious and political leaders. This collection emphasizes the debate by juxtaposing prevailing and dissenting points of view at given historical moments (e.g. Madame de Staël vs. Rousseau, Eleanor Marx vs. Pope Leo XIII, Strindberg vs. Ibsen, Simone de Beauvoir vs. Margaret Mead). Each section is preceded by a contextual headnote pinpointing the documents significance. Many of the documents have been translated into English for the first time. |
Nationalism Materialism | 9 |
The New Woman and the Problem of Egotism | 17 |
New Women and Their Allies | 32 |
Marcel Prévost France 1900 | 43 |
13 | 56 |
Critique of the Double Standard | 64 |
Social Order | 73 |
Catholics Reply to Socialists | 91 |
Women and the Politics of the Family | 247 |
The Great War 19141918 | 259 |
Millicent Garrett Fawcett England 1914 | 260 |
Gertrud Bäumer Germany 1914 | 261 |
Helene Lange Germany 1915 | 262 |
Women and Pacifism | 263 |
International Woman Suffrage Alliance London 1914 | 265 |
International Congress of Women The Hague 1915 | 267 |
The Womens Movement Organizes | 97 |
Womens Duties and the Population Question Housewifery in the Machine | 107 |
Peter Kropotkin Russia 1890 | 109 |
William Morris England 1890 III | 111 |
Louis Frank Belgium 1904 | 116 |
Motherhood in the Machine | 117 |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman United States 1898 | 119 |
Ellen Key Sweden 1904 | 123 |
Depopulation and Motherhood in France | 129 |
Émile Zola 1899 | 130 |
Eugène Brieux 1903 | 132 |
Nelly Roussel 1904 | 134 |
Nationalism and Race Suicide in the United States | 136 |
Theodore Roosevelt 1905 | 137 |
Anna Howard Shaw 1905 and 1906 | 140 |
The Protection of Motherhood | 143 |
Blanche EdwardsPilliet France 1900 | 145 |
Marie Stritt Germany 1908 | 147 |
The NationState and the Education of Women Two Views of Girls Secondary Education in Germany | 150 |
Helene Lange 1887 | 152 |
Hedwig Kettler 1891 | 155 |
Two American College Presidents Disagree About Girls Higher Education | 156 |
G Stanley Hall 1905 | 157 |
Carey Thomas 1908 | 163 |
Reforming French Secondary Education for Girls | 169 |
Jeanne CrouzetBenaben 1911 | 170 |
Baptiste Roussy 1914 | 171 |
Sex Education for Girls? | 172 |
Frank Wedekind Austria 1891 | 173 |
Nelly Roussel France 1904 | 177 |
Léon Blum France 1907 | 179 |
The NationState and Womens Rights Civil Divorce and the Catholic Church | 181 |
Leo XIII Vatican 1880 | 182 |
Alfred Naquet France 1881 | 187 |
Maria Martin France 1907 | 189 |
Rethinking the Laws on Marriage and Motherhood | 190 |
Frances Hoggan England 1884 | 191 |
Ellen Key Sweden 1904 | 196 |
Womens Employment and Protective Legislation | 200 |
Edward Bellamy United States 1889 | 202 |
Beatrice Webb England 1896 | 205 |
Maria Pognon France 1899 | 211 |
Josephine Goldmark United States 1905 | 213 |
Womens Health and Protective Legislation | 216 |
Alfred Mjøen Norway 1912 | 217 |
Christabel Pankhurst England 1913 | 219 |
The NationState and Woman Suffrage Woman Suffrage in England Before 1900 | 221 |
William E Gladstone 1892 | 222 |
Susan Elizabeth Gay 1892 | 225 |
The First European Success for Woman Suffrage | 228 |
Alexandra Gripenberg Finland 1906 | 229 |
Maria Martin France 1906 | 230 |
International Socialist Womens Conference Stuttgart 1907 | 231 |
Militant Tactics in England and Their Reception | 232 |
Carrie Chapman Catt United States 1908 | 234 |
Emmeline Pankhurst England 1908 | 236 |
Millicent Garrett Fawcett England 1912 | 239 |
Helene Lange Germany 1913 | 243 |
Carrie Chapman Catt United States 1913 | 245 |
Helena M Swanwick England 1915 | 269 |
Hélène Brion France 1918 | 273 |
Women and War Work | 276 |
Magda Trott Germany 1915 | 277 |
Emma Stropp Germany 1916 | 279 |
E Sylvia Pankhurst England 1915 | 280 |
Helena M Swanwick England 1916 | 282 |
Wars End and the Revolutions The Russian Revolution | 286 |
Lenin Russia 1918 | 287 |
Aleksandra Kollontai Russia 1923 | 289 |
The Woman Patriot United States 1918 | 291 |
The Politicization of German Women | 292 |
Emma Stropp 1918 | 293 |
Luise Zietz 1920 | 296 |
The Revolution in Life and Morals The Improvement of Motherhood | 299 |
Margaret Sanger United States 1920 | 300 |
The Soviet Decree on the Legalization of Abortion 1920 | 302 |
Aleksandra Kollontai Soviet Union 1923 | 303 |
State Church and the Population Question 84 The French Decree Establishing Medals for Mothers 1920 | 306 |
Loi de 31 Juillet 1920 France 1920 | 309 |
Pius XI Italy 1930 | 310 |
Winifred Holtby England 1934 | 314 |
Family Endowment and the New Feminism | 317 |
Déclaration des Droits de la Famille France 1920 | 319 |
Eleanor Rathbone England 1924 | 320 |
Millicent Garrett Fawcett England 1925 | 322 |
Eleanor Rathbone England 1925 | 326 |
The Quest for a Psychology of Womanhood Psychoanalysis and Womans Character | 328 |
Sigmund Freud Austria 1925 | 330 |
Karen Horney Germany 1926 | 334 |
Sigmund Freud Austria 1933 | 338 |
Breaking the Sexual Taboo in Literature | 341 |
H Lawrence England 1926 | 343 |
Rebecca West England 1922 | 345 |
Radclyffe Hall England 1928 | 348 |
Civilization and Womens Discontents | 354 |
Carl Gustav Jung Switzerland 1927 | 356 |
Sigmund Freud Austria 1930 | 359 |
Economics Politics and the Woman Question The Great Depression and the Threat to Womens Employment 101 Second Reichskongress of Working... | 363 |
Germany 1930 | 365 |
Teresa Noce Italy 1934 | 366 |
Benito Mussolini Italy 1934 | 369 |
Winifred Holtby England 1934 | 370 |
German Fascism Seeks Womens Support | 373 |
Adolf Hitler 1934 | 375 |
Gertrud ScholtzKlink 1935 | 378 |
Antifascism and the Woman Question | 382 |
Reichskomitee of Working Women Germany 1932 | 383 |
Winifred Holtby England 1934 | 384 |
Virginia Woolf England 1938 | 386 |
Economic Resurgence and the Boost to Womens Employment | 389 |
IIO International Council of Women Brussels 1938 | 391 |
International Labour Office Geneva 1939 | 392 |
Alva Myrdal Sweden 1940 | 394 |
Suggested Further Reading | 435 |
Bibliography | 441 |
Acknowledgments | 465 |
Common terms and phrases
Aleksandra Kollontai Alva Myrdal become Bertha von Suttner birth bourgeois boys Carrie Chapman Catt child civil Clara Zetkin concerned demands divorce domestic duties economic Ellen Key emancipation equality fact Factory fascist father feel female feminine feminism feminist force France FRAU BERGMANN freedom French German girls hand Helene Lange HELMER human husband ideal individual industrial International labor legislation lives male marriage married masculine maternity means ment Millicent Garrett Fawcett moral mother motherhood nature never NORA organization Originally published Ottilia party Pirnitz political position present problem race reform revolution RIIS schools selection sexual social socialist society Soviet suffragettes suffragists thing thought tion true Union unmarried vote wages WENDLA wife Winifred Holtby woman question woman suffrage women's movement women's rights young