WHY he had a WHEREFORE: Knew more than forty of them do, As far as words and terms could go. All which he understood by rote, And, as occasion serv'd, would quote; No matter whether right or wrong, They might be either said or sung. Hudibras: In Three Parts - Page 18by Samuel Butler - 1801Full view - About this book
 | Samuel Butler - 1861 - 394 pages
...crabbed'st author hath, He understood b' implicit faith : Whatever sceptic could inquire for For ev'ry why he had a wherefore; Knew more than forty of them do, As far as words and terms could go; * The Presbyterians coined a great number, such a i wT"' C"rl'i°g8-0n' I"-"""**". Worklngs-out, Gosel-walking.tlmea,... | |
 | Samuel Butler - Satire - 1744 - 570 pages
...andfirft inferted in that of 1674. V0L.J. B t- 1}*.~ Whatever Sceptick cou'd enquire for, For ev'ry why, he had a wherefore : Knew more than forty of them do, As far as Words and terms cou'd go. 135 All which he underflood by rote, And, as occafion ferv'd, wou'd quote : No matter whether... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1753 - 462 pages
...under the emperor Antoninus Pius, writ ten boolu ijainft the mathematicians or aftrologers, and three Knew more than forty of them do As far as words and...could go. 135 All which he underftood by rote, And, as occafion ferv'd, would quote : No matter whether right or wrong, They might be either faid, or fung.... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 404 pages
...hath , He underjload b' imp licit faith : _; Whatever S ce p tick could inquire for ; for every why i he had a wherefore : Knew more than forty of them do , As far as Words and Terms ccu'd go. All which he under food by Rote , And as occallon ferv ds , won'd quote ; ; . No m after... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 460 pages
...hath , He underftood b' imf licit Faith : Whatever S ce f tick could inquire for ; For every why s he had a wherefore : Knew more than forty of them do , As far as Words and Terms cou'd go. All which he underftood by Rote , And as occajtonfer-vds , wou'd quote ; Ko matter whether... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 pages
...the crabbed 'ft Author hath 3 He underftood b' implicit faith : Whatever Sceptick could inquire for ; for every why , he had a wherefore : Knew more than forty of them do 3 As far as Words and Terms cou'd go. All which he underftood by Rote , And as occafionferv'ds, woud... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 494 pages
...Opinion. The Word is deriv'd from the Greek trni-trls$eu, quod eft, confiderare, fpeculari. D 4 ib.— Knew more than forty- of them do, As far as Words and terms cou'd go. 135 All which he underftood by rote, And, as occafion ferv'd, wou'd quote: No matter whether... | |
 | Archibald Campbell - Authors, English - 1767 - 268 pages
...onderftands b'impHcit faith ; Whatever Sceptick can inquire for, For every why he hat a wherefore; Knows more than forty of them do As far as words and terms can go, AH which he underftands by rote, And, as occafion ferves, can quote. No matter whether right... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1773 - 404 pages
...crabbed'ft author hath, He underftocd b' implicit faith : 130 Whatever fceptic could enquire for, For ev'ry why he had a wherefore : Knew more than forty of them do, As far as words and terms could go. All which he underftood by rote, i5j And as occafion ferv'd, would quote; No matter whether right or... | |
 | Samuel Butler - English poetry - 1774 - 254 pages
...underftood b'implicit faith : "Whatever feeptic could inquire for, For ev'ry vly he had a vjhertferc: A > Knew more than forty of them do, As far as words and terms could 50. All which he underftood by rote, And, as occafion ferv'd, would quote : No matter whether right... | |
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