THE ST. JAMES'S MAGAZINE CONDUCTED BY MRS. S. C. HALL. DECEMBER TO MARCH. VOL. III. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BY W. KENT AND Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. NEW YORK: WILLMER AND ROGERS. MDCCCLXII. All rights of reproduction and translation are reserved. THE present Number completes the THIRD VOLUME of "THE ST. JAMES'S MAGAZINE," and, at the same time, the first year of its existence. It is a pleasing duty to announce that the Work has been successful, and that neither its Proprietor nor its Conductor will relax in the efforts necessary to maintain the Magazine in the position it has secured. In the present Volume contributions appear from many distinguished whom may be enumerated : writers, among Professor ANSTED, F.R.S. Sir J. EMERSON TENNENT, LL.D. The Rev. J. G. WOOD, M.A. The Author of "John Halifax, The Rev. J. E. Cox, M.A. THOMAS HOOD. F. W. FAIRHOLT, F.S.A. ALBANY FONBLANQUE, Junr. DAVID WALKER, M.D. The Author of "Mary Powell.' While in the two preceding Volumes, Articles, Tales, Sketches, Poems, and Essays, appear from the following eminent Authors: MARY HOWITT. OWEN MEREDITH. ANTHONY TROLLOPE. T. ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE. J. O. HALLIWELL, F.R.S. The Author of "Paul Ferrol." Miss PARDOE. Mrs. MERRIFIELD. ADELAIDE A. PROCTOR. Dr. DORAN. Captain DRAYSON, R.A. &c., &c., &c. Thus assisted, the Editor is justified in believing that "THE ST. JAMES'S MAGAZINE" will bear comparison with any similar Work, however long established or ambitious. Both Proprietor and Conductor consider they have fully realized the promises held out in their Prospectus, and they therefore claim the continued confidence and support of the reading public, for whose intellectual amusement and information their best exertions are unceasingly put forth. Bannow Lodge, Boltons, West Brompton, March, 1862. ANNA MABIA HALL. |