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In soliciting your permission to place before the British Public the official survey of one of the richest territories in Asia, I have been acting in conformity with the whole tenor of my life for the last ten years in India and in England, of which the leading principle has been the consolidation and prosperity of the distant dependencies of the Empire. The survey described in the following pages had its origin in the laudable anxiety of your Honourable Court to enquire into the condition of the people, and the resources of the country, over whose affairs you were required to preside; and as the first step towards the attainment of good is the investigation of truth, it was in accordance with your wonted principles that this important enquiry was undertaken. From the mass of materials which you have had the goodness to permit me access to, I have culled, digested and arranged this work in the ardent hope that it may tend to awaken every serious thinking mind in these realms to the great responsibility which is involved in the possession of British India.

The history of that magnificent portion of Asia is without a parallel in the annals of the world, and scarcely less extraordinary is the rise and progress of that respected authority whom I have now the honour to address. Under the munificent auspices of one of England's wisest sovereigns you

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quences, your feelings must be harrowed by the pitiable spectacle thus exhibited, while your utmost energies will, I doubt not, be directed to the alleviation and cure of such portentous evils.

The miseries attendant on misgovernment, whether individual or social, are wide spread, of long extended duration, and consequent difficult removal. This truism is fully exemplified in India, and the duties required of England, and of your Honourable Court as her executive power are therefore most momentous. Judging from the past, we may with confiding hope, I trust, look forward to the future. Your freedom from commercial pursuits, the judicious selection of men for your Honourable Court, who are identified with the prosperity of India, and the high moral rectitude which characterizes the East India Company promises most auspiciously for the welfare of the Empire.

It is the duty of every friend to social order—of every patriot who wishes to see his country's fame and prosperity based on the rock of justice-of every Christian who desires the extension of the only true civilizing principles of the Gospel, to give to your Honourable Court a cheering support in the responsible station which you fill. On that station the eyes of every friend to mankind are fixed; for, on the fulfilment of its duties will depend the happiness of millions of our fellow creatures.

That the Almighty Disposer of events may in his mercy and goodness influence your thoughts, guide your judgments, and attend your actions, is the sincere desire of—

Your obliged and faithful servant,


London, February, 1838.




The survey of the districts of Behar and Patna, of Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Dinajipoor, Goruckpoor, Puraniah, Rungpoor, and Assam, forming the Eastern territories of British India, and containing upwards of 60,000 square miles and nearly 15,000,000 of British subjects, was executed by the Supreme Government of Bengal, under orders from the Court of Directors of the Honourable East India Company, dated the 7th of January, 1807, wherein the honourable Court observe, "We are of opinion that a statistical survey of the country, under the immediate authority of your Presidency, would be attended with much utility; we therefore recommend proper steps to be taken for carrying the same into execution." The Court further added, that Dr. Francis Buchanan, who had been employed by the Marquess Wellesley in the survey of Mysore, and to whom his Lordship had confided the management of the establishment which the noble Marquess formed at Barrackpore for investigating the natural history of India,† should be appointed to undertake the survey.

The Governor-General in Council, in conformity with these orders, nominated Dr. F. Buchanan for this important duty, with an allowance of 1500 sicca rupees monthly, exclusive of the pay and batta of his rank, and efficient learned assistants, draftsmen, &c. were appointed to execute his instructions. The extent of the investigation will be seen from the directions issued for the guidance of the survey by the Supreme Government under date 11th Sept. 1807. which were as follows:

• I have called the work "Eastern India,” to distinguish it from Col. Todd's "Western India," which contains Rajpootana, &c.; or from "Southern India," which includes Mysore, Tanjore, &c.

↑ The efforts of the Marquess Wellesley for the civil improvement of India were in unison with the genius which charactized and the ability which executed the momentous duties of his Government, and which after the lapse of forty years is now beginning to be viewed in a manner proportioned to its deserts; for, whether I regard the purity of his motives, the comprehensiveness of his mind, or the splendor of his actions, I feel assured that time will add new honours and glory to his name and increasing advantages to his country.-[R. M. M.]

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