| Tucker Brooke, Matthias A. Shaaber - English literature - 1989 - 490 pages
...his trade from Hudibras. Butler and his knight lived in days obsessed with the need of progress — No sow-gelder did blow his horn To geld a cat, but cry'd Reform. Self-consciously pious folk nasally intoned new doctrines — As if Religion were intended For nothing... | |
| Susan G. Bell, Karen M. Offen - History - 1983 - 500 pages
...demonstrated against Archbishop Laud, and a contemporary couplet describes their excursion into Parliament: "The Oysterwomen lock'd their fish up / and trudg'd away to cry: no bishop!" But even when we force ourselves to see the tactics of the suffragettes in the spirit of English custom... | |
| Kristen Poole - Biography & Autobiography - 2006 - 292 pages
...cry the Bishops down? When Tinkers bawl'd aloud, to settle Church-Discipline, for patching Kettle. No Sow-gelder did blow his horn To geld a Cat, but...Oyster-women lock'd their fish up, And trudg'd away, to cry jVb Bishop. Instead of Kitchin-stuff, some cry A Gospel-preaching-Ministry: And some for Old Suits,... | |
| Samuel Butler - 1684 - 352 pages
...throats with hideous shout. When Tinkers bawl'd aloud, to settle Church Discipline, for patching Kettle. No Sow-gelder did blow his Horn To geld a Cat, but...their Fish up, And trudg'd away to cry No Bishop. The Mouse-trap men laid Save-alh by, And 'gainst Ev'l Counsellors did cry. Botchers left old Cloaths... | |
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