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" Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept (As 'twere in scorn of eyes,) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. "
The Works of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Recently Discovered ... - Page 280
by William Shakespeare, John Payne Collier - 1853
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Le Corps dans tous ses états

Marie-Claire Rouyer - Body, Human, in literature - 1995 - 272 pages
...fishes gnawed upon ; Wedges of gold, great ingots, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalued jcwels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in...holes Where eyes did once inhabit there were crept, As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems That wooed the slimy bottom of the deep And mocked the dead...
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Apocalypse and Millennium in English Romantic Poetry

Morton D. Paley - Literary Criticism - 1999 - 338 pages
...resemblance to one in Shakespeare's Richard III, in which Clarence recounts his dream of drowning: Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wrecks, A thousand men that...holes, Where eyes did once inhabit there were crept, As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep And mock'd the dead...
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Shakespeare: la invención de lo humano

Harold Bloom - Characters and characteristics in literature - 2001 - 750 pages
...fishes gnaw'd upon; / Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, / Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, / All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea....Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept- / As 'twere in scorn of eyes-reflecting gems, / That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, / And mock'd the...
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The Tempest

William Shakespeare - Drama - 2001 - 164 pages
...that fishes gnaw'd upon; Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some...Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept — As 'twere in scorn of eyes — reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, 'created Of every...
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Shakespeare's Early Tragedies

Nicholas Brooke - Drama - 2005 - 240 pages
...drown, What dreadful noise of waters in my ears, What sights of ugly death within my eyes ! Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wrecks, A thousand men that...of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, All scatt'red in the bottom of the sea; Some lay in dead men's skulls, and in the holes Where eyes did...
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Tolkien and Shakespeare: Essays on Shared Themes and Language

Janet Brennan Croft, Donald E. Palumbo, C.W. Sullivan III - Literary Criticism - 2007 - 337 pages
...fearful wracks; Ten thousand men that fishes gnawed upon; Wedges of gold, unvalued jewels, All scattered in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls,...holes Where eyes did once inhabit there were crept, As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems, That wooed the slimy bottom of the deep And mocked the dead...
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